Monkton Mondays!

Another week, another Monday! I realize I haven’t posted in a while, again, but I’m past making up excuses for myself or for anyone else…it’s just the way Life gets sometimes – there are days, weeks, even months – when I stay away from the Blogosphere for no reason other than ‘no reason’. You know? I just couldn’t be bothered and there’s no deep secret as to why…it’s just because…

Other times, I can’t stay away and will abandon everything to sit and write, as if writing is the only thing that will keep me alive. Over time I’ve realized that I like to share the happy times but not the sad, and yet when I put ‘Happy’ down on the page, it often sounds mundane and boring because so much of Happiness is about context right? Can you tell I’m rambling? I am! It’s just been one of those Monday mornings when I got up with great intentions but lost steam even as the clock approached noon! Perhaps it’s because I was reading Louise Penny’s How the Light Gets In (the concluding book in her Inspector Gamache series), and was lost in the forgotten village of Three Pines that always seems to me like it Β exists somewhere on the edge of Time. A good mystery can do that me, and these days I find it so much easier to live in fiction than deal in reality.

For those of you who read the last post – there’s an update – have ‘sort of’ made up with my Mom – although not before another blowout that happened – you guessed it – last Monday. Now we’re talking to each other – carefully, delicately, probably calculatingly – weighing every word, trying to predict every reaction and just being very ‘polite’ to each other in that awful way, if you know what I mean. Denying that anything serious ever happened also helps of course! Denial is the cure for all things – at least in the short-term, until they come and bite you in the you-know-where! And they do! So until the next crisis – All’s Well. If neither of us is jumping with joy – we can always blame it on our arthritic knees – what say? πŸ˜‰

And so as usual, after another rambling post about nothing in particular, I reach the end and wonder yet again how to tie in my words with a Monkton picture. And as always, Mr. Monkton rises to the occasion. The man is beginning to frighten me with how perceptive he is! Is it even legal for men to be so smart and sensitive? πŸ˜› Since I’m feeling all pensive and rambly today, ‘A Deep Thought on Life’ seemed just the thing. This one seemed to fit my mood best…I’m sure you can see why!


Do you see now? Ever so often I’m off dancing to someone else’s drum!! How can I help it when their music seems much more appealing than mine? Even if just for a little while? And sometimes, dancing to someone else’s drum is the only way to unbreak your own πŸ™‚

Happy Monday People! Dance to music of your drums if you will, but don’t be afraid of switching from your Samba to my Tango, if that’s what gets your feet tapping πŸ˜‰

8 thoughts on “Monkton Mondays!

  1. You got my feet tapping with that tango today! Thank you πŸ™‚
    I hate that careful thing with family. Doesn’t happen too often around here, cause we are in a lot of denial I guess, but even once is enough – good luck. Dance baby dance.

    1. Thanks Elisa! Things are better. I wonder whether things do eventually get better if you pretend they are?! Or maybe it’s the passage of time that brings new challenges making the old ones seem – well, old! Glad I made you dance πŸ™‚ it’s a happy feeling!

  2. Happy to hear that you and your mom are on your way to getting along again. Unfortunately, this awkward phase can stretch 😦
    You’re welcome to use my Samba – especially if I’m taking up your Tango! (My favorite line from your post!)

    1. Sorry for the long delay in this reply Heather…have been away – figuratively speaking! Feeling a little out of sorts although not sure why…probably hormonal πŸ˜› The situation with Mom is as good as it ever is πŸ˜‰ And you can’t see me…but I’m in the throes of your Samba right now…just the picker-upper I need on a confused Monday morning πŸ™‚

      1. I hope you find it a decent picker-upper. I’m feeling out of sorts with you. Fighting the (hopefully seasonal as we head toward winter?) urge to withdraw inward. Ahh life. Hugs to you all the way on the other side of the world πŸ™‚ (LOVE that we can share across the vast stretches!)

      2. Me too! Love that πŸ™‚ Just finished this Monday’s Monkton post and you’ve expressed what I wanted to say in it perfectly ‘the urge to withdraw inward’…that’s EXACTLY what I’m feeling! Love the connection we have πŸ™‚

        Hugs to you and much Tango happiness πŸ˜‰

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